12,000 miles to deliver a critical appraisal course!
19th Sept 2012 | Bespoke Course
We do get around a bit! We provide training to many international organisations so navigating around airports is in our DNA. This month one of our speakers clocked up 24,000 miles in just 4 days by flying from England to New Zealand and back again.
The Critical Appraisal Bespoke Course in Queenstown, New Zealand, was a resounding success, so the trip was worth it! Indeed, we've been booked to repeat the course in Melbourne later this year and in Canberra in 2013.
Our company has an international reputation for excellence in critical appraisal training and our services are in demand across the globe. Organising an event is simple.
Just fill in our bespoke course form and we'll discuss and finalise your requirements by email. Distance is no object!